
qvod_av 干戈中最衰颓的并非夷戮, 而是国东谈主驳诘你的誓死对抗——南京屠杀

发布日期:2025-01-01 06:46    点击次数:92

qvod_av 干戈中最衰颓的并非夷戮, 而是国东谈主驳诘你的誓死对抗——南京屠杀

The sound of battle made the stained-glass windows of Shanghai’s Holy Trinity Cathedral shiver on November 11 as Rev Dean Trivett ordered two minutes of silence in commemoration of those who had died in the Great Warqvod_av, which had ended exactly 19 years earlier.


The members of the unusually large congregation dutifully lowered their heads, kept perfectly quiet and pretended not to notice the constant rattle of machine guns and the intermittent explosions outside. It was a surreal scene, and everyone could appreciate Trivett’s sermon about the futility of war.


“If the world can find no other way of settling their disputes than the way of war,” he told the solemn assembly, “then the world deserves to perish.”


The fighting that turned the two minutes of silence into two minutes of infernal noise was between the nearly victorious Japanese and the small garrison of Chinese left behind to cover the escape west of the bulk of the army.



Most combat took place in the southern part of the city, an ancient walled town known as Nanshi. With characteristic indifference to collateral damage, the Japanese bombed the district continuously throughout the day, and the smoke from countless fires drifted into the Huangpu River, obscuring the outlines of even the largest vessels.


In Nanshi, the Japanese were facing strong and well-prepared defenses manned by soldiers who had shown again and again that they were willing to fight to the death.


The pillboxes, built with great tactical foresight near important street corners, formed especially formidable obstacles. Unwilling to lose their lives for the emperor so close to the end of the three-month battle, Japanese soldiers proceeded methodically and carefully through the narrow streets.


When they encountered a real or suspected Chinese resistance nest, they had a tank roll up and blast the position to pieces before advancing themselves


Thousands of Chinese civilians had fled Nanshi and could only stand just inside the border of the French Concession, watching with increasing anger as their homes and shops were destroyed in a battle that by that time seemed futile to most. They vented their frustration on Chinese soldiers who had laid down their arms and escaped into the French district, many of them disguised as civilians in long gowns.


“A huge and angry mob of Chinese awaited them, cursing them for their resistance,” a reporter from The New York Times reported. “The crowd several times threatened violence against the disarmed soldiery, and French police reserves were called to beat them back with long bamboo staves.” The patriotic fervor that had seized many Chinese at the start of the war was beginning to unravel.

“一个震怒的中国专家都集在哪里,驳诘中国士兵的对抗步履,”《纽约时报》的一位记者报谈说,“东谈主群屡次恫吓要对这些缴械的士兵施暴,法国巡警不得不休养后备警力,用长竹棍将他们驱逐。” 干戈初期曾席卷很多中国东谈主的爱国轻柔,启动平稳剖判。

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